Sex is one of the biggest pleasure we get to have in this life and pretty much anybody is interested in making it last as long as possible and in making it feel more than just good. This is why the traditional medicine has long held a special place to substances known to heighten passion and to fortify the body. These herbal substances have always been in high demand and are now just as popular as ever. However, in order to last longer in bed and to have great sex you don’t necessarily need chemicals. A healthy body ready for effort is your best choice.
The cornerstone of a good sex life in men is the cardiovascular system. Blood flows throughout the body carrying oxygen to cells and helping the immune system repel bacteria and viruses. Erections are also highly dependent on the unhindered flow of blood to the penis. This is why you should always look out for your cardio system and avoid things that may slow down the flow of blood. Cigarettes and alcohol are two of the biggest enemies of a healthy and satisfying sex life because nicotine constricts blood vessels, while alcohol widens them beyond the normal size. Both substances have a strong negative impact on erections. Scientific studies showed that smokers have fewer spontaneous erections at night time than non-smokers, which is one of the signs of erectile dysfunction.
The second big system that comes into play when sex is concerned is the respiratory system. Your lungs should be in top shape in order to support the extra effort required by sex. Without an adequate supply of oxygen, your muscles cannot keep you going through a lengthy and hot sex session. Smoking is once again one of the biggest problems because it damages the lungs and leads to lung cancer in the long run.
The best way to keep your body in shape for sex is to strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. You don’t need to lift weights or pump iron all day long. It’s enough to run, jog or take brisk walks on a regular basis. If you can do so every day, then you are clearly going to have a satisfying sex life for years to come and also reap the benefits of a positive outlook on life that other people can’t have. Going to the gym or running in the park means taking care of your health and also socializing. You’d be surprised how much optimism is tied to a healthy body.
The cornerstone of a good sex life in men is the cardiovascular system. Blood flows throughout the body carrying oxygen to cells and helping the immune system repel bacteria and viruses. Erections are also highly dependent on the unhindered flow of blood to the penis. This is why you should always look out for your cardio system and avoid things that may slow down the flow of blood. Cigarettes and alcohol are two of the biggest enemies of a healthy and satisfying sex life because nicotine constricts blood vessels, while alcohol widens them beyond the normal size. Both substances have a strong negative impact on erections. Scientific studies showed that smokers have fewer spontaneous erections at night time than non-smokers, which is one of the signs of erectile dysfunction.
The second big system that comes into play when sex is concerned is the respiratory system. Your lungs should be in top shape in order to support the extra effort required by sex. Without an adequate supply of oxygen, your muscles cannot keep you going through a lengthy and hot sex session. Smoking is once again one of the biggest problems because it damages the lungs and leads to lung cancer in the long run.
The best way to keep your body in shape for sex is to strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. You don’t need to lift weights or pump iron all day long. It’s enough to run, jog or take brisk walks on a regular basis. If you can do so every day, then you are clearly going to have a satisfying sex life for years to come and also reap the benefits of a positive outlook on life that other people can’t have. Going to the gym or running in the park means taking care of your health and also socializing. You’d be surprised how much optimism is tied to a healthy body.