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Showing posts from August, 2006

Hormones, sperm volume and your sex drive

One of the most worrying trends of modern people is the decreasing threshold age for andropause. Andropause is the male counterpart of the female menopause that usually affects men between the ages of 40 and 55. A mere 100 years ago andropause did not begin until the 50s, but the industrialized society that we all live in has turned andropause into a man triggered condition. The sudden drop in the volume of testosterone produced by the body, which is the mark of andropause, is no longer a nature's process, but can start in the early 40s by the constant presence of a wide range of chemicals. These chemicals act as synthetic estrogen in the male body and induce certain changes at the physical and psychological levels. The symptoms that come with the andropause are: prostate problems, mood swings and depression , impotence , low sex drive and low sperm count , weight gain , low blood sugar or diabetes , dry skin , bone loss, fatigue, anxiety , low absorption of Zinc, increased chance...

Male Orgasm

Orgasm is the crowning of a successful and highly pleasurable session of sex. It puts a smile on the lips of satisfied women and makes men walk with a swagger. It’s the biggest little thing in the world and the crucial detail and the end of a delightful exertion. Life without orgasms is simply not possible. But orgasm is not limited in scope to making one (or two) people feel good for five or ten minutes before falling asleep. Science has shown that frequent sex and orgasms are very important to the general well-being and health of every person. The more frequent the orgasm, the better off that person is going to be on both the physical and psychological planes. In the early 1950s, Doctor Alfred Kinsey started releasing the studies into the sex lives of men and women that made him famous all over the world. One of the Kinsey reports proved that sex reduces stress and that people who have frequent sex and orgasms are less violent and less hostile than those who seldom engage in sex. T...

Female orgasm

If sex is the sweet part of a relationship, then orgasm has to be all that delightful chocolate they put in my favorite sweet things. Jokes aside, sex can be very accurately described as the glue that holds together the other aspects of a relationship between two people. And orgasm is the goal of every hot sex session. The pleasure that makes the tight worlds of intimate relationships go round. What is less known is the fact that orgasms have certain health benefits attached to them. Indeed, it’s more than just the feeling of well-being that we all have after sex. Recent studies have shown that orgasm is just as important for the overall health of women as any other function of their bodies. Everyday life is bound to result in some nervous tensions for most people as the troubles of jobs and relationships take their toll on the mental balance. Sex and orgasms are a chance for these tensions to join the psychological and physical build-up and release. Thus, the mind uses orgasm to flush...