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Showing posts from April, 2006

Impotence: lifestyle pressure

Impotence is one of the biggest problems in today’s bedroom environment. Once though to be a condition restricted to older or sickly men, impotence is today a common sight among men in their 30s and 40s. A successful performance record in bed is one of the key elements of confidence in men and potentially crucial to psychological well-being. Most men are entrenched in their views of what makes a successful man and also in maintaining the appearances at all costs. This is why only a small part of those suffering from impotence seek professional help. This reluctance to admit one’s problems means that some of the lighter cases, which could actually be treated, are never brought before a doctor. The three major causes of impotence are physical, psychological and lifestyle-related. Most cases are caused by physical and psychological factors, but it is less known that lifestyle choices serve to worsen impotence in certain cases. The use and abuse of substances, such as alcohol, nicotin...

Weight Loss: Kick Your Habbits

It’s always easy to gain weight and damned hard to lose it. Eating is one of the true pleasures in life and refraining from food has huge physical and psychological implications that cannot be easily discarded. Nobody likes to have to give up a pleasure, which is why many people drift farther and farther into fat without doing anything to stop the process. Moreover, recent data showed that the body does not respond to diets as doctors thought it should. The body has to adapt to changes and diets are seen as lean periods that should be offset by making fat harder to burn. While the body is certainly the most complex instrument we posses in our lives, it cannot discern between actual lean times and diets. Another problem for the body is the widespread use of fast food, snacks and soft drinks. Fast food is highly powered food that fools the stomach into calling for more, despite the fact that one giant burger is the caloric equivalent of an entire meal. The giant burger is not usually e...

5 Things to Do to Stop Smoking

Before you quit, there are a couple of things you can do to specifically increase your chances of success. A little pre-planning makes for a lot better chance of success. The following are methods used by others who have quit successfully. 1. Ask yourself the following questions and write out the answers It's critical that you take the time and effort to write out the answers. This increases your commitment level to your goal of quitting smoking. Question 1: Ask yourself, "Why do I smoke?" If you smoke for pleasure, write down healthy alternatives that will provide similar pleasure. If you smoke when you're under stress, write down ways you can avoid/reduce the causes or effects of the stress. Question 2: If you've tried to quit smoking before, ask yourself "What could I have done differently last time to avoid starting again?" Look at the things that stopped you, and make a vow to avoid these things! Plan a strategy for keeping ahead of these things. ...


Exercising is a bore for many people. Although workout fans like to claim that others are simply too lazy or too spoiled by the modern sedentary lifestyle to exercise on a regular basis, this is not always the case. Some people have far too busy daily schedules to squeeze in another time and effort consuming activity. Not to mention that a significant number of people find the endless repetition of the same movements more than a little boring. Truth is exercising can only be considered fun by people who love such things, while other manage to focus their entire attention on results and ignore the boring routine. If you are unable to love or ignore the boring part, then you probably find exercising a burden. However, this attitude is not very good for your health. You may have a highly paid job that takes away all your waking hours and you may think that you can tank it until you’re in the forties and can afford to lay back and relax. But this nice scheme doesn’t always work out the way...