One of the things most people overlook in their daily routines is that food is more than just something to tickle your taste buds and fill your stomach. Food is also your daily source for a whole series of substances that are required for the proper functioning of your body. The most important addition to your diet is zinc. This metal plays a crucial role in the human body by helping the action of antioxindants and thus slowing down the aging process. It also serves to stabilize the DNA in sperm cells, thus ensuring a strong and healthy delivery of genetic material. Not many people know that a deficiency of zinc in the daily diet can lower fertility in males since the body tends to generate less sperm and sperm cells are no longer strong enough to make the full trip. The best source of zinc in your diet are oysters. However, oysters feed at the bottom of the seas, which are more and more polluted with heavy metals and chemicals. Other good sources of zinc are animal proteins, such as p...
We ought to be taking care of our health all year long, and this is where nature's best comes in. Many people are turning to herbal products to manage their health concerns. Our goal is to inform you about health products available in the market today. Feel free to read my notes and reviews about herbal products. Unveil advantages and disadvantages, side effects, benefits and warnings. Compare products and read recommendations.